Top 5 Manga tutorials that will make you a professional artist

Top 5 Manga tutorials that will make you a professional artist

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Bring an anime artist is quite an achievement. Whether you are professional artist, or you just want to draw manga for fun, drawing manga requires a level of creativity. However, learning how to draw manga can be a challenge, if you don’t know where to get started. Fortunately, you can always consult a draw manga tutorial for professional tips on manga drawing. Different tutorials will teach you different aspects of manga drawing. When you put them together, you will get the complete skillset for drawing manga.

Here are some of the top draw manga tutorials you should check out:

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How to draw faces for beginners

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This amazing tutorial will guide you on how to draw the perfect face for your manga characters. Whether you are a beginner, or just looking to revise the basics, this tutorial is perfect for you. Drawing the face correctly is an important part of the character creation process. By mastering this step, you will be able to create your own manga characters. This tutorial teaches you how to draw the frontal face view of both male and female manga characters. It also gives helpful tips on how to ensure that all the aspects of the drawing are symmetrical and in proportion.

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How to draw eyes for beginners

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If you are looking for a good manga drawing tutorial that will give valuable information on how to draw certain character parts, then this is it. This tutorial will show you exactly how to draw different eyes for your manga characters. You will be impressed by the impact that the eye shape has on your character’s appearance. A simple change in the eye style can leave you with a completely different character. Drawing facial parts is often something that beginners struggle with, which is why this tutorial is a must watch.

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How to draw anime: Basic anatomy

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Drawing anime is all about create unique characters that are balanced in all aspects. If you are learning how to draw manga characters, then mastering the basic anatomy is important. This tutorial is a complete guide on how to draw the anatomy of an anime character. It also helps guide you on how to ensure that your drawings are symmetrical and in proportion. If you are just getting started with anime art, then you should certainly watch this tutorial.

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How to draw manga: Head shape and facial features

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When drawing various manga characters, you will often notice that the facial features often determine the appearance of the character. Most professional artists know how to draw facial expressions by altering the facial features. This complete tutorial will show you exactly how to draw anime faces and facial expressions. Once you master this step, you will be ready to start drawing different versions of the same characters. You can even start your own manga comic series if you know how to draw different facial features.

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Mapping the face for anime and manga

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This is one of the most complete tutorials on manga face anatomy. If you want to take your drawing skills to the next level, then this tutorial will certainly help. You may have to go over it several times, but it’s well worth the time and effort.

While there are many more tutorials that you can watch to learn how to draw manga these are the top picks. It’s always best to look at these tutorials and then practice the steps yourself to master the drawing process. With consistent effort, you will be able to draw your own manga characters before you know it!


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