Pandora Hearts, Manga Recommendation!

Key takeaways from Manga Recommendation of the Week – Pandora Hearts:

  • Introduction to this awesome manga
  • Why you should check it out

I am pretty sure we covered this manga in this series a while back. It is so far back that I don’t even remember. Still, though, I think it is a good time to revisit Pandora Hearts right now. I recently found myself rereading this manga and I was made to realize once again just how effective this manga is.

So welcome back to another edition of our manga recommendation series! This week we are talking about the awesome Pandora Hearts. I really like this manga and I feel like more people should get their hands on this. I won’t say it is underrated, just that it is not as popular as you’d expect for whatever reason. So let’s get started.

Pandora Hearts Manga Review - Raving Otaku


Pandora Hearts is written and illustrated by Mochizuki Jun. The manga was serialized in the GFantasy magazine from May 2006 to March 2015. It is a supernatural fantasy manga with a touch of mystery. It does have an anime adaptation, although the anime adaptation doesn’t cover the full manga. I haven’t watched the anime so I won’t comment on it. The manga is 24 volumes or 107 chapters long.


Imagine a broken bottomless toy box. That is the abyss, a place full of mysterious creatures called ‘Chains’. Our MC, Oz is banished to the abyss by the Baskerville clan for a crime he did not commit and doesn’t know anything about. Oz makes a contract with a special Chain Alice in an attempt to unravel the crime he was charged with and try to escape the abyss.

Endless Magic: Pandora Hearts Chapter 53: Bloody March Hare

The plot is really good. It is paced really well and the whole mystery element is handled really well. The build-up to everything is well handled and the plot twists will always keep you on the edge of your seat. Things that happened 100 years ago play an important role in the current-day plot and man, it feels very satisfying when you connect the dots of the story on your own.


Pandora Herts has an excellent plot, yes but that plot also depends on the characters. The already good story of this manga is made even better by the excellently written characters. The Baskervilles make for really good villains. Vincent, of course, is a really detestable character. Oz himself serves as a decent MC. We get to learn the mysteries of the story along with him so it forms a kind of connection between him and the reader.

PANDORA HEARTS MANGA - Pandora Hearts Photo (34079003) - Fanpop


I quite like the art style of Pandora Hearts. It fits the fantasy roots really well and the like the story, I love how the art also has kind of a darker undertone. Seriously, the art fits in really well with the plot and the tone of the story.

Why should you read Pandora Hearts?

Quick pointers on why you should check out this manga:

  • Great plot
  • Really well-paced
  • Great characters
  • Awesome art
Check out the manga on Amazon!


That is all for now. Let me know what you guys think in the comments. Pandora Hearts is an easy recommendation with that type of plot and stuff. So please check it out. With that said, I will take my leave here. See ya!!

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